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Symposia replays

Gene Therapy: A paradigm shift in haemophilia

EAHAD 15th Annual Congress, February 2–4 2022 

Watch the full symposium video recording of the CSL Behring EAHAD satellite symposium held on February 1, 2022.

The symposium featured presentations from Giancarlo Castaman (Italy), Annette von Drygalski (USA), Michiel Coppens (The Netherlands) and Greta Mulders (The Netherlands) highlighting the current haemophilia treatment landscape and what the future holds for haemophilia care, including managing change and shifting mindsets for a new treatment paradigm. The presentations were followed by an interactive discussion section with the faculty and audience.

This information was developed for an EU audience. Please note that this webinar contains information on specific products and indications, including discussion of products in late-stage clinical trials which are not currently licenced. The Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) provided may vary depending on local approval in each country. Best efforts were undertaken by CSL Behring and congress sponsors to ensure compliance with EFPIA Code of Practice in line with the Joint Guidelines (IFPMA, EFPIA and PhRMA). However, you should review your local prescribing information and/or SmPC and consult directly with the local affiliate of CSL Behring to address any questions.