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Webinars on-demand

Care optimisation throughout the patient journey in haemophilia B

Watch the full video recording of the Care optimisation throughout the patient journey in haemophilia B webinar held on April 28, 2022.

This webinar was co-moderated by David Lillicrap and Cedric Hermans, with individual presentations given by Madlen Reschke, Cathy Farrelly and Annie Harroche featuring case-based discussions to illustrate the management of haemophilia B throughout a patient's life and their changing needs.

  • Navigating the patient journey in haemophilia B
    Prof. David Lillicrap, Canada, Co-moderator
  • The first steps: Initiating prophylaxis
    Dr Madlen Reschke, Germany
  • Flexible dosing for tailored management and reduced treatment burden: a UK centre experience
    Dr Cathy Farrelly, UK
  • Which road to take? Factors to consider
    Dr Annie Harroche, France
  • Looking ahead: What could the patient journey look like in 2030?
    Prof. Cedric Hermans, Belgium, Co-moderator

Disclaimer: this webinar contains discussion of products in late-stage clinical trials which are not currently licensed. Prescribing information may vary depending on local approval in each country; before prescribing the products mentioned here, please refer to the local prescribing information or Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).