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Webinars on-demand

Female factors to consider in von Willebrand disease: Heavy menstrual bleeding and peri-partum care

Watch the full recording of the Female factors to consider in von Willebrand disease: Heavy menstrual bleeding and peri-partum care webinar held on October 4, 2022.

This webinar aimed to enhance disease awareness of von Willebrand disease (VWD) beyond the specialty of haematology with a focus on care providers in gynaecology and obstetrics and was moderated by Dr Paula James.

  • The journey ahead: von Willebrand disease and the principles of care
    Dr Paula James (Canada)
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding in a multidisciplinary clinic: The Dutch experience
    Dr C. Heleen van Ommen and Dr Carla Groenestein-Sondaal (The Netherlands)
  • What to expect when they’re expecting: von Willebrand disease, peri-partum care and post-partum haemorrhage management
    Dr Michelle Lavin (Ireland)