CSL Behring Medical Expert Portal is a global web portal designed for healthcare professionals (HCPs) outside the US who are interested in serious and life-threatening conditions. Register and login to access the information on this webpage and to receive updates when new content becomes available. If you are interested in the relevant content for a specific country, please refer to the CSL Behring affiliate in your country to obtain relevant information. The medical and scientific information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional advice from a healthcare provider in your area. It is important that you always adhere to the regulations and guidelines relevant to your country.

Disclaimer: Due to compliance regulations, not all content of this webpage is intended for UK healthcare practitioners. If you would like to access UK specific materials on this site, please reach out to your local CSL Behring medical representative (medinfo@cslbehring.com) for assistance.


CSL Behring Expert Portal offers scientific information in the field of serious and life-threatening conditions targeted to healthcare professionals. Access is restricted to professionals only, to avoid the inappropriate use and sharing of content by the general public.

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